“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” – 2 Peter 3:18
We believe that God’s Word builds God’s people and God’s church. We will primarily study the Bible, not the latest and greatest thoughts from other authors. Though other authors are helpful at times, we want our church to learn to read and study the Bible for ourselves.
We believe that single-gendered environments are helpful in developing biblical literacy. We will have a Men’s Bible Study and a Women’s Bible Study. It’s important to cross generations and learn from younger and older men or women in the faith.
We also believe in an active learning environment. There will be reading and studying in a booklet prior to each Bible Study. It’s important that each participant take time to read and study so that true learning takes place.
We also believe in an intentional learning environment. You will have questions after reading on your own. Some of those questions will be resolved in group discussion, but not all of them. The large group teaching at the end will teach to the questions that still exist. This order and process helps solidify biblical literacy in each participant.
Registration for the Bible Study is open. Click here to get on the list!
If you can’t make Sunday nights because you don’t drive at night, we will have an Adult Bible Study Wednesday at 10 AM. Both groups will study the same book of the Bible for the same amount of time at appropriate levels. Sign up in the foyer if you want to join in with that!
- Sundays 4:45 PM: Nursery Opens and Check in Starts
- Sundays 5:00 PM – 5:45 PM: TABLE GROUP DISCUSSION
- Sundays 5:45 PM – 6:30 PM: LARGE GROUP TEACHING
- Registration opens in January for the Spring Study.
- Registration opens in August for the Fall Study.
- Book Cost: $20 per study
- Length of Study: 11 weeks
- Table Groups of 6 to 8 people.
- Table leaders are co-learners.
- Table leaders will lead discussion.
- Tables will be multi-generational.
- Participants can choose their table.
- New tables formed each semester or tables can stay together.
- The Women’s Bible Study will meet in the Community Outreach Center.
- The Men’s Bible Study will meet in the Family Life Center.
- Nursery Kids (Babies-PreK) will be in the Nursery for childcare.
- K-5th kids will be in the Kids Warehouse for childcare.

The Fall Study will run from September to November. Registration will be open during the month of August.

The Spring Study will run from February to April. Registration will be open during the month of January.
- Childcare is available for Bible Study, but you must register for it beforehand on the registration form.
- Childcare is available for Babies through 5th Grade. If you have other options for childcare, please utilize those so we have room for those who truly need childcare to come to Bible Study!
- Childcare will be in Nursery (Babies – PreK) and the Warehouse (K – 5th).