Our Vision
Our church will be it’s best when we have everyone serving and involved in building up the body of Christ. There are many parts and one body. We do not all serve in the same ways, but it takes each part doing its part in order for the body to be healthy. (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) Because of our volunteers’ efforts and sacrifice, our church’s ministries are having an eternal impact on many in our community.
Please check out the current volunteer opportunities below. If you want to serve, either reach out the contact person listed or fill out the survey at the bottom of the page. This allows you to express interest in serving and for our staff to reach out to you when there are needs. Checking the box doesn’t commit you to serving anywhere. This just gives us an idea of what you are interested in doing.
Ministry Opportunities
Life Group Teacher (Nursery)
Our Life Group Teachers for Babies, Toddlers, 3 & 4 year olds, and Pre-K & Kindergarten have fun while teaching our kids the Bible each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. We can always use subs to fill in when others have to be gone.
Contact: Bailey Edwards, Nursery Director
Life Group Teacher (Kids & Youth)
We always need teachers for K-5th and 6th-12th life groups. We ask for at least a year long commitment, but the more years the better!
Contact: Debbie Pinner, Sunday Children’s Director
Contact: Ethan Reyes, Youth Pastor
Life Group Teacher (Adults)
Our Adult Life Group Teachers are the backbone of our church. They play a crucial role in the spiritual development of our members. If you are interested in being trained to teach we would love to do that too!
Contact: Byron Smith, Senior Pastor
Nursery Volunteer (Sundays)
These Volunteers can fill in on a regular basis (monthly), through their Life Group, or just as a substitute. Volunteers help paid nursery workers take care of our Babies – 4 year olds after Life Groups, during the worship service.
Contact: Bailey Edwards, Nursery Director
Children’s Church Volunteer (Sundays)
Children’s Church is for our Pre-K & Kindergarteners during the sermon time each Sunday morning. Volunteers will teach a simple Bible lesson, do crafts, sing songs, and have a fun time with our kids. You can sign up for a monthly slot or as a sub!
Contact: Bailey Edwards, Nursery Director
Warehouse Worship Volunteer (Sundays)
Warehouse Worship is an upbeat time for our 1st – 4th graders during the sermon time (30-40 minutes). Volunteers are needed to help lead music, teach Bible stories, play games, and engage kids on their level each Sunday morning.
Contact: Debbie Pinner, Sunday Children’s Director
Wednesday Night Children Volunteer (K-5th)
These volunteers help in a variety of ways with our school age programs on Wednesdays from 6-7:30 p.m. Line leaders. Bible Stories. Scripture Memory. Recreation. It’s a ton of fun!
Contact: Kim Hubbard, Wednesday Children’s Director
Wednesday Night Youth Life Group Leader (6th-12th)
Youth Volunteers get to invest in relationships with teenagers at a crucial point in their life. Volunteers will also help check in, serve food, play games, and worship with our youth.
Contact: Ethan Reyes, Youth Pastor
Huntington Food Program – Open Food Pantry (2nd Thursday)
The Open Food Pantry meets a pressing need in our community. Volunteers help register guests, organize food, distribute food and load food into cars. All of this is an opportunity to share the gospel with them as we share food with them!
Contact: Leah Martin, Huntington Food Program Director
Huntington Food Program – Produce Drop (2nd Monday)
Produce Drop happens once a month and is a great opportunity to interact with our community who comes for fresh produce. Many hands make light work with this ministry!
Contact: Leah Martin, Huntington Food Program Director
Huntington Food Program – Pack Pals
Pack Pals volunteers meet weekly to pack food bags for needy students in our school district. These food bags are discretely delivered to students on Fridays so they have food to eat over the weekend. Monthly volunteers are needed to pack bags!
Contact: Leah Martin, Huntington Food Program Director
Most Excellent Way (Fridays)
MEW is a recovery program for those struggling with the effects of drug & alcohol addiction. Volunteers are needed to help with food, set up, clean up and building relationships with those seeking the help of the community in MEW.
Contact: Charity Napier, Ministry Assistant
Kitchen Committee (Funerals & Church Wide Meals)
This wonderful group of servants helps serves food to families during a great time of need, as well as food during church-wide lunches that happen a few times per year. Volunteers are always needed to help serve and clean up!
Contact: Sammy Weaver, Deacon
Kitchen Committee (Wednesday Nights)
We provide a meal each Wednesday Night during the school year for our K-12th graders and adult volunteers. These people cook the food for 150 people each week with a smile on their face! Contact Julie if you want to contribute.
Contact: Julie Litton, Financial Secretary
Worship Team (Sundays)
This group of gifted musicians and singers help our congregation to worship God in spirit and in truth. They practice each Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. and lead worship during our main service. If you have musical ability and want to help serve in this way, please let us know!
Contact: Shane Stover
Security Team (Sundays)
Our security team plays a big role on Sunday mornings. Not only do they help make sure that the buildings are secure during our services, they are willing to do even more to keep us safe. If you have a mind to help protect our children and congregation, please reach out to us!
Contact: Dennis Mulkey
Welcome Team (Sundays)
Our door greeters and volunteers in the Welcome Center help make sure that guests know where to go and get information about our church. If you are a warm person who wants to help assimilate guests into the life of our body, please contact us to serve in this way!
Contact: Byron Smith, Senior Pastor
Media, Sound & Technology (Sundays)
If you have skills in sound mixing or running a computer, then we can connect you to this area of service. Volunteers meet at 8:30 for worship practice and serve during the worship service each week.
Contact: Byron Smith, Senior Pastor
There are quite a few committees who help make decisions for the whole church. If you like to serve in this kind of group-effort decision-making, please reach out to us. We are always looking for people to serve for 3 year terms on various committees.
Contact: Byron Smith, Senior Pastor
We need people who have a heart to tell people about Jesus and engage the lost. These people will serve at our church events, community events and put on their own events in order to create a space to tell people about the good news of Jesus.
Contact: Byron Smith, Senior Pastor
Vacation Bible School Volunteer
Each summer, we get to invest in children’s lives for a whole week. VBS volunteers have a ton of fun, while pointing kids to Jesus. Volunteers can serve food, teach, sing, play, and do so much more!
Contact: Kim Hubbard, Wednesday Children’s Director
Fall Festival Volunteer
Each year, we put on a Fall Festival for the kids of our community. Volunteers can help set up booths, run booths, serve food, clean up, and so much more. This requires the whole church to pull this event off!
Contact: Kim Hubbard, Wednesday Children’s Director
Disciple Now Host Home
DNOW is a yearly retreat for our youth. They stay in homes and study the Bible with leaders. Being away from all the distractions leads them to have a spiritual-milestone weekend! If you want to open your home to about 10 students, please let us know!
Contact: Ethan Reyes, Youth Pastor
Disciple Now Bible Study Leader
If you want to spend one weekend of the year pouring into the youth of our church, then this opportunity is for you! You will have a ton of fun and make many memories with our youth. And you will get to see God work in many lives!
Contact: Ethan Reyes, Youth Pastor
Disciple Now Volunteer
We always need extra drivers, people to make food, people to serve and clean up food, people to help run activities and more. If you want to help in any kind of way during DNOW, please let us know before it happens in the Spring!
Contact: Ethan Reyes, Youth Pastor
Youth Mission Trip Sponsor
Each summer, our youth group goes on a week long mission trip. This exposes them to what missions looks like and they make a difference in the places we go serve. If you can drive a van, hang with youth, or serve in the inner city, then this is just right for you!
Contact: Ethan Reyes, Youth Pastor
Children’s Camp Sponsor (3rd-5th)
Children’s Camp is so much fun! You truly have a great time with our 3rd & 4th graders as they are exposed to God’s truth over the course of a few days. You will make memories that last with some awesome kids!
Contact: Debbie Pinner, Sunday Children’s Director
Youth Camp Sponsor (6th – 12th)
There is nothing quite like youth camp! Come join us for a week full of fun, excitement and passion for God. We need men and women to drive vans, supervise campers and invest in the lives of our Middle & High schoolers. You won’t forget your experience at youth camp!
Contact: Ethan Reyes, Youth Pastor
Africa Missions
Our church adopted an unreached people group in West Africa many years ago. We take 4-5 trips per year with 2-3 people in order to share the good news of Jesus’ salvation to those who have never heard it! It is a privilege and an honor to bring good news to the unreached!
Contact: Byron Smith, Senior Pastor
USA Missions
We are looking for opportunities to connect more people to missions right here in the USA. If you want to get involved in creating those opportunities to spread the gospel on the border or in the cities or somewhere else, please reach out to us!
Contact: Byron Smith, Senior Pastor
Women’s Ministry Events
We have done a variety of events through the years. Currently, we put on a women’s IF:Local event each Spring. If you want to help in the planning and execution of that event, please reach out to Madison!
Contact: Charity Ryan
Men’s Ministry Events
We want to do more in helping the men of our church grow in Christ-likeness and in community with each other. If you have ideas for events or activities for our men to participate in, please reach out so we can grow this ministry together.
Contact: Byron Smith, Senior Pastor
Buildings & Maintenance Projects
We have 37,000+ square feet of buildings from many different decades. There are always projects that need completing and improvements to be made. If you have a heart to serve in the stewardship of our buildings, we can put you to work!