Copy of Youth Calendar by Ethan Reyes


We have Life Groups from 9:30 – 10:45 AM in the Youth Room for Middle School & High School students. We are studying The Gospel Project to see how the whole Bible connects to the good news of Jesus. Then we worship with the whole church at 11:00 AM.

Wednesday Nights

All Middle School and High School students are welcome to come have fun! Doors open at 5:45 to hang out and eat some dinner. We normally play games, have worship, hear some Bible teaching and then break into small groups by age to discuss what we learned and how it applies to our lives. We have a great group of adults that are investing in our kids each week during the school year!

Special Events

Youth Camp

Each Summer we take about 40 kids to youth camp. This is an incredibly fun week and a meaningful spiritual time in our students lives.

Youth Mission Week

Each Summer we spend a week serving and reaching out to others on mission. We’ve gone to Memphis, Houston and even stayed in Huntington for this mission week. This is a great chance to grow in your faith!

Other Special Events

We also try to do a big event each month to deepen our relationships, invite friends to and have fun! Be sure and come to Wednesdays and Sundays to stay in the loop with these special events throughout the year!


If your student wants to offset the cost for these big events, then make plans to participate in our fundraising this year.

Read this letter to understand all that we will be doing on a typical year.


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